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Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Free Energy - Like Free Fuel to run your car

Save money using energy saving methods to run cars, trucks or home electricity!
Gasoline prices where almost always high or high enough to be a considerable expense of any household or business.
Today many alternatives for fuel running cars are in the reach of the home market most of them are very inexpensive...

  • First you can consider using gas instead of oil - it's much cleaner and cheaper

  • Use solar electric car or a hybrid car using both electricity and gasoline where the consumption of each system is controlled by a computing chip in the car.

  • Use fossil oil or bio diesel produced by plants is taking its leap ahead into a regular daily common use in the very near future

  • Bacteria making oil using the solar energy of the sun, converting sun rays into bio chemical burnable energy

  • Hydro cars are already being sold by some car manufacturers and some car enthusiastic individuals that use H2O (regular tap water or purified water) as Hydrogen source by converting water into HHO using electrolysis's. The emissions of burning HHO is just water - which is not polluting the air and cooler than burning regular fuels - that adds to global warming and to air polution as well as to effect

So as you all can see there are alot of ways to keep our planet green and keep the "greens" in your pockets instead of spending your money on fuel.

Next: Read about making your own electricity and even getting paid for the reserve !

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